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Our Story Continues

Starting to prepare the ground

Preparing the ground

Starting the shuttering

Starting the shuttering

Shuttering complete and base filled with hardcore

Shuttering complete and base is now filled with hardcore and levelled

By 2024, we had reached full membership and were open three mornings a week, with a  waiting list. 


We had to consider working and storage space for both comfort and safe working practices.


From sponsorship and membership fees, we were able to purchase a gazebo to enable us to work outside the shed when we were unable to do so because of the weather.


Working closely with the Park Management, various discussions and plans resulted in permission to lay a concrete base outside the door of the shed that we could use to erect the gazebo.​

The concrete arrives

The concrete arrives!

Pour it just here please
Hope my boots don't leak!

Pour it just here please!

Hope my boots don't leak!

That's a lot of concrete


That's a lot of concrete!

Mister concrete just tidying up the edges

Mister concrete just tidying up the edges

Watch this space for our next phase!

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